14-Year Old's Startup Launches In LA

Are you the 19-year old founder of a startup? You're over the hill. Fourteen looks to be the new nineteen, as yet another company founded by a 14-year old launched in LA yesterday at the Techweek conference. Cyborg Industries said yesterday that it has launched a "revolutionary, patented data transfer technology" called the Spectrocable, developed by 14-year old high school sophomore Nicolas Dupont. The company is the second startup from a 14-year old to launch in Los Angeles in as many weeks--just last week, 14-year old Los Angeles resident Daniel Singer raised $200,000 for an anonymous messaging app called Backdoor. Alas, both Dupont and Singer are older than Victoria Walker, who won $20,000 last year when she was eleven, to bring a (yet to be released) app to remind people not to text while driving using a dog's bark. Cyborg Industries claims that Dupont has created a "new optical fiber system that uses 16 million different colors to increase data transfer speeds significantly" over existing technology. The company is based in Florida.