Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Factual Debuts New Location, Mobile Ad Targeting Tools
Los Angeles-based Factual, the developer of application programming interfaces (APIs) and datasets for the location-based and mobile market, has expanded outs its suite of APIs today, with three new APIs focused on location and mobile ad targeting. According to the firm, it has launched a new Geopulse API, which, given a latitude and longitude, will provide everything the company's service knows about a location, including relative density of businesses near a location, types of businesses, nearest businesses and landmarks, demographics, and more. In addition, the firm said it has launched a new reverse geocoding service, which takes longitude and latitude and converts in into an address; and a World Geographies API, which details information about countries, cities, states, continents, time zones, and other information. Factual said thew new APIs are specifically being used for mobile ad targeting.