The Venture Database is a searchable database of Southern California venture deals, companies, and venture capitalists. The database features full profiles of local venture-backed companies, including contact info, names and biographies of key executives, and links to their investors. The database also includes listings of venture firms who invest in , and their portfolio companies. The database is up to date with the latest venture rounds, accessible 24x7 from your web browser.
The Venture Database is ideal for:
The Venture Database includes:
In Depth Profiles's Venture Database features in-depth profiles of companies, including:'s VentureMap provides a graphical map of venture deals and how they are connected to companies and venture firms. This browse-able map allows you to easily browse deals, click for more information on a company, and see in a visual way the deal activity in the region.
Unlike other venture databases, access to this information is affordable and accessible. The Venture Database is a benefit of becoming a member of, which is $24.95 per month.