Life Imitates Art Imitates Life As Amazon Films Show At ROC

In one of those "only in Silicon Beach" moments, a pilot show from Amazon Studios--Betas--has apparently been filming its pilot show at Silicon Beach technology hangout Real Office Centers (ROC), off Arizona in Santa Monica. The show--a comedy about "under-socialized computer geeks" working on their own, Silicon Valley startup--is one of a number of shows being piloted by Amazon for its Amazon Instant Video service. The show is being produced by Scott Sites, known for the Comedy Central sitcom Workaholics. ROC said that the show will be using ROC's lobby, coworking environment, rooftop, and exterior as part of the show. ROC is located in what was Google's former Santa Monica offices. Apparently, Amazon just hired the cast for Betas, which has been billed as "a Silicon Valley version of the Big Bang Theory."