Tuesday, March 19, 2013
ParkMe Tests Monthly Parking Service
Los Angeles-based ParkMe, the developer of mobile parking information applications, has just started a test of a new service to help users automatically find, negotiate, and secure monthly parking spaces. According to the firm, it has begun testing a service which will let users enter the address where they'd like to have a monthly spot--whether that's at home or at work--how many space they need, and they'll get back in two days with a list of the best deals nearby.
According to ParkMe, the new service is currently only live in Los Angeles, and is aimed at helping users save time and money. The firm said it will handle all of the negotiation details, and also use its bulk buying power to provide the best deals on that monthly parking.
ParkMe offers up mapping and mobile apps to help people find information on available parking nearby, including information on costs, number of open parking spaces, and hours.