Soylent Pulls Powder From Market As Recall Expands

Los Angeles-based food alternative developer Soylent--which develops a line of products intended to replace the need for normal food--has pulled its "Powder" product from the market, saying that it is halting sales of the product until it can determine the issues behind reported digestive issues with its product. Soylent says it has now removed its Bar and Powdr products for reformulation, and will expect to resume shipping those products in early Q1 of 2017. The company said that its testing has come back negative for food pathogens, toxins or outside contamination. In the first indication that there is regulatory concern over the company's products, Soylent said it will "share our findings with the FDA so that they can do their own evaluation." Soylent had earlier pulled its Soylent bar from the market a few weeks ago, after what it called "gastrointestinal issues" triggered by eating the new product. Posters on Reddit describe nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other issues after eating Soylent's products.