Tesla Shipment Sets Sail From Port Hueneme

Casual visitors to the port of Port Hueneme, in Ventura County, might have noticed a slightly different shipment at the port today: electric cars from high profile electric car firm Tesla Motors, heading to Japan. According to Tesla, it shipped a dozen, right-hand drive Tesla Roadsters to Japan from Port Hueneme this morning, the first shipment of its vehicles to Asia. Tesla said the vehicles are headed to Yokahama, and will be delivered to customers in early May. Port Hueneme is a major import center for the delivery of vehicles to the west coast, with automakers normally offloading new cars at the port for U.S. customers. The autos are headed in an opposite direction from the vast majority of autos at the port, however--most autos at the port are coming from overseas and offloaded for U.S. dealers.